2. Enter the Serial Number and PIN on the voucher payment receipt given to you at the bank
during the registration process, to login.
3. If you do not remember the serial number or pin, no problem. Just click on the “Forgotten
Details” Link beside the “Submit” button”. This would take you to the recovery page where you
can login without the serial number and pin.
4. On the recovery page, you can either login with the email address and phone number you
used for the registration or your Exam ID and phone number. Whichever one you choose to
use, just click the “Submit” after entering it.
5. After login, you would see your dashboard with your details and exams results on it. Click on
the print button to print.
6. After clicking on the “Print Result” button the result page is displayed for printing. Print or save
this page for reference. And you are done