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Archive for يوليو 2023

Zygee - Gbloe Faa(Let Them Say) || New Song


Zygee - Gbloe Faa(Let Them Say)

'Zygee - Gbloe Faa(Let Them Say)' is the latest song by the talented Ghanaian lyrical genius and Nawanya Family superstar ZyGee. produced by Fimfim.

"Zygee - Gbloe Faa (Let Them Say)," a gripping song by the highly gifted Ghanaian lyrical genius and Nawanya Family celebrity, ZyGee, is the newest entry in the music industry. This motivating song, created by the acclaimed Fimfim, is more than simply music; it's an anthem that exhorts listeners to concentrate on their goals and accomplishments rather than letting others' unfavorable storylines influence them.

ZyGee has once again shown why he is a force to be reckoned with in the Ghanaian music business with his distinct style and lyrical skills. Fans of genuine and motivating music must listen to "Gbloe Faa" because it demonstrates ZyGee's skill at seamlessly fusing thought-provoking lyrics with an engrossing groove.

"Gbloe Faa" serves as a reminder to be loyal to oneself and not be intimidated by the criticism or doubts that others may impose in a society where ideas and judgments appear to fly freely. In this song, ZyGee's performance emanates self-assurance and tenacity, inspiring listeners to accept their uniqueness and chase their aspirations without reservation.

With catchy rhythms and melodies that perfectly blend with ZyGee's powerful vocals, Fimfim's superb production takes the song to a new level. It is clear that the producer and artist work together in harmony to create music that touches the spirit.

"Gbloe Faa (Let Them Say)" creates a lasting impression on its listeners by sparking a flame of drive and tenacity within them as it reverberates across the radio. ZyGee's music has always had a deeper meaning, and their most recent album is no different; it's an appeal to break free from societal constraints and travel proudly along the road to success.

"Gbloe Faa" inspires us to block out the bad thoughts and concentrate on our path to excellence in a world of noise and distractions. Because of his genuineness and enthusiasm, ZyGee not only excels as an artist but also serves as an example to those who listen to his songs.

Whatever the detractors say, ZyGee has created a compelling song with "Gbloe Faa" that encourages us to rise above the din and carve our paths to success. The song serves as a potent reminder that, despite what others may think, we have the ability to control our own destiny and accomplish greatness. It will touch listeners from all walks of life. Let "Gbloe Faa" by ZyGee serve as the soundtrack to your path of self-discovery and success by embracing the message and the music.

Stream Bellow:

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Kindly use the link below to download this beautiful song:

Gbloe Faa Mp3 DOWNLOAD 
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Asake – Great Guy mp3 download

Asake – Great Guy

Asake, a heavyweight Nigerian music superstar and prolific songwriter, delights his fans once again with the exceptional track "Great Guy." This fantastic song is a testament to Asake's unparalleled talent and artistry, solidifying his status as a leading force in the music industry. As a proud signee of YBNL Nation, Asake continues to leave an indelible mark on the Nigerian music scene.

"Great Guy" takes center stage in Asake's recently discovered music collection titled "Work Of Art (Album)," a compilation that showcases the depth and brilliance of his musical expression. The album is a treasure trove of captivating tracks that paint a vivid picture of Asake's musical journey and his unwavering commitment to his craft.

Asake's remarkable ability to craft unforgettable compositions is evident in "Great Guy." The song's infectious rhythm and engaging lyrics have garnered widespread acclaim, resonating with audiences from all walks of life. His emotive vocals and dynamic delivery add a layer of authenticity to the song, making it a stand-out piece in the Nigerian music landscape.

Within the rich tapestry of "Work Of Art (Album)," "Great Guy" stands tall as a masterpiece that reflects Asake's growth as an artist. Each track in the collection adds its own unique color to the overall narrative, illustrating the diverse range of emotions and experiences that Asake weaves into his music.

The resounding success of "Great Guy" serves as a testament to its status as a smash hit that deserves a prominent spot on every music enthusiast's playlist. If you appreciate good music that leaves a lasting impact, this one-of-a-kind composition by Asake is a must-add to your collection.

As Asake's musical journey continues to unfold, the world eagerly awaits more soul-stirring melodies and captivating performances from this exceptional Nigerian music superstar. With "Great Guy" leading the charge in the "Work Of Art (Album)," there's no doubt that Asake's star will continue to shine brightly, illuminating the hearts of his fans and inspiring a new generation of music enthusiasts.

Asake – Great Guy mp3 DOWNLOAD

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Asake – Remember mp3 download

Asake – Remember mp3 download

 Asake – Remember mp3 download

Asake, a top-tier Nigerian singer-songwriter and renowned YBNL Nation star, makes a striking entrance into the music scene with his captivating single "Remember." This amazing track serves as a testament to Asake's exceptional talent and artistry, leaving a lasting impression on listeners with its emotive melodies and compelling lyrics. As a rising star, Asake's presence in the Nigerian music landscape is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.

"Remember" finds its place in Asake's recently released music collection titled "Work Of Art (Album)," a remarkable anthology that showcases the breadth of his musical expression. The album is a canvas for Asake's creativity, featuring a collection of hit tracks that highlight his versatility as an artist and his innate ability to connect with his audience.

With "Remember" as a standout piece in the "Work Of Art (Album)," Asake solidifies his position as a top-tier talent in the industry. The song's powerful message and soul-stirring delivery resonate deeply with listeners, establishing a profound emotional connection.

Asake's dedication to his craft and the flawless execution of "Remember" demonstrates the remarkable potential that lies ahead for this talented singer-songwriter. His ability to craft one-of-a-kind compositions has resulted in a smash hit that is a must-add to any playlist.

For music enthusiasts who appreciate good music that leaves a lasting impact, "Remember" is a gem that stands out among the best. Asake's distinctive sound and heartfelt performance make this single an unforgettable experience, promising a bright future for this rising Nigerian music sensation.

As the echoes of "Remember" reverberate through the music industry, Asake's star continues to rise, shining bright with promise and potential. With his recently released "Work Of Art (Album)" setting the stage for greater things to come, there's no doubt that Asake's journey in the world of music is just getting started. So, brace yourself for more soulful melodies and captivating performances as this one-of-a-kind artist continues to leave a profound mark on the hearts and playlists of music lovers worldwide.

Asake – Remember mp3 DOWNLOAD

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Asake – Introduction

Asake – Introduction

Asake – Introduction

Asake, an incredibly talented Nigerian music sensation, composer, and record producer, has made a resounding entrance into the music industry with his exceptional debut single, "Introduction." This outstanding track not only showcases Asake's remarkable artistry but also finds a significant place in his recently launched music anthology, the "Work Of Art (Album)."

The song "Introduction" stands as a testament to Asake's musical brilliance, captivating audiences with its powerful beats and captivating lyrics. Its impactful message and infectious rhythm have quickly gained the attention of music enthusiasts, solidifying Asake's status as a rising star in the Nigerian music scene.

Within the "Work Of Art (Album)," "Introduction" shines as a standout piece amidst an array of impressive tracks. The album serves as a canvas for Asake's musical expression, featuring a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences. Each song in the anthology adds depth and dimension to the overall narrative, highlighting Asake's versatility as an artist and his innate ability to connect with his audience.

The production of "Introduction" was a collaborative effort that brought together a crew of talented music producers, including P. Priime, Magicsticks, and Anoop D'Souza. Their collective genius has resulted in a powerful banger that elevates Asake's music to new heights. The seamless fusion of their distinct styles accentuates the song's allure, creating an unforgettable listening experience.

Asake's remarkable debut and the success of "Introduction" have undoubtedly cemented his position as a notable force in the Nigerian music landscape. Its inclusion in the "Work Of Art (Album)" adds further value to the anthology, solidifying it as a remarkable collection that speaks to the soul of its listeners.

For music lovers who appreciate good music that resonates deeply, "Introduction" is a must-add to any playlist. Asake's extraordinary talent and the collaborative efforts of renowned producers have resulted in a one-of-a-kind composition that leaves a lasting impact. Brace yourself for more captivating melodies and exceptional performances as Asake's journey in the music industry continues to unfold. With his dedication to his craft and boundless creativity, the future is undoubtedly bright for this talented Nigerian music phenomenon.

Asake – Introduction DOWNLOAD 

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Asake – I Believe mp3 download

Asake – I Believe

Asake – I Believe

Asake, a highly acclaimed Nigerian music superstar and talented songwriter, marks his grand entrance into the music industry with the awe-inspiring single "I Believe." This captivating masterpiece not only introduces Asake's exceptional artistry but also holds a significant place in his recently unveiled music collection, "Work Of Art (Album)."

The track "I Believe" serves as a testament to Asake's musical prowess, captivating listeners with its enchanting melodies and profound lyrics. The song's powerful message of hope and resilience resonates with audiences, making it an instant favorite among music enthusiasts. Asake's emotive vocals and soul-stirring delivery further elevate the impact of this remarkable composition.

Within "Work Of Art (Album)," "I Believe" stands out as a shining gem among an array of exquisite tracks. The album serves as a testament to Asake's versatility as an artist, with each song painting a unique portrait of his musical journey. From heartfelt ballads to infectious up-tempo beats, "Work Of Art (Album)" showcases the breadth of Asake's creative vision and the depth of his songwriting abilities.

Asake's musical debut with "I Believe" has not only solidified his position as a top-tier Nigerian music superstar but has also left an indelible mark on the hearts of his audience. Its inclusion in "Work Of Art (Album)" adds to the album's allure, offering a cohesive and captivating listening experience for fans.

Asake's unique ability to craft one-of-a-kind compositions that touch the soul and ignite emotions makes "I Believe" a must-add to any playlist. If you appreciate good music that inspires and uplifts, this remarkable single deserves a prominent spot in your collection. Asake's promising debut is only the beginning of what is sure to be a musical journey filled with more extraordinary compositions and enthralling performances. So, brace yourself for more from this exceptional artist as he continues to make waves in the Nigerian music scene and beyond.

Asake – I Believe mp3  DOWNLOAD

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Asake – What’s Up My G || mp3 download


Asake – What’s Up My G

Asake, a highly talented Nigerian music sensation, and prolific songwriter, has recently unveiled a phenomenal single known as "What's Up My G." This masterpiece release showcases Asake's exceptional artistry, captivating listeners with its soulful melodies and compelling lyrics. As an esteemed member of YBNL Nation, Asake's musical journey continues to ascend to new heights, garnering immense praise and recognition.

In addition to his mesmerizing single, Asake has graced his fans with an entire album, "Work Of Art (Album)," that is nothing short of a musical marvel. This collection features the previously mentioned hit, "What's Up My G," alongside a plethora of other gems that epitomize Asake's creative brilliance and diverse musical influences. Each track in the album presents a unique and captivating storytelling experience, further cementing Asake's reputation as a top-tier artist in the Nigerian music scene.

"What's Up My G" is undoubtedly a smash hit that resonates with a wide audience, transcending cultural boundaries and winning the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide. Its inclusion in "Work Of Art (Album)" showcases the album's cohesive narrative and the seamless blend of Asake's expressive vocals with impeccable musical arrangements. This one-of-a-kind composition is a true testament to Asake's ability to craft timeless and exceptional music that leaves a lasting impression.

For those who truly appreciate good music and seek to immerse themselves in a musical journey of emotions and artistry, "What's Up My G" is a must-add to any playlist. Asake's unique sound and unparalleled talent make this single a delightful listening experience that leaves fans eager for more. With his continuous commitment to creating remarkable music, Asake's star shines brighter than ever, promising a future filled with even more masterpieces and unforgettable compositions.

Asake – What’s Up My G mp3 DOWNLOAD

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Asake – Mogbe mp3 download


Asake – Mogbe

Asake – Mogbe mp3 download

Asake's "Mogbe" - A Ground-Breaking Performance

"Mogbe" is a ground-breaking performance by Asake, the stunning Nigerian music phenomenon, songwriter, and proud member of YBNL Nation. This captivating song is a testament to Asake's exceptional talent and artistry, which continues to captivate audiences far and wide. Developed in collaboration with renowned producer Magicsticks, "Mogbe" boasts a pleasant sound and intriguing lyrics, making it a must-listen for music enthusiasts.

Magicsticks, a masterful producer, played a crucial role in shaping the composition of "Mogbe." The seamless blend of captivating melodies and faultless vocals by Asake showcases the perfect harmony between the two talented artists. The orchestration of the song is superb, creating a rich and dynamic musical experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Asake's vocal prowess shines through in "Mogbe," delivering a flawless performance that tugs at the heartstrings of listeners. His emotive delivery and soulful rendition breathe life into the lyrics, creating a powerful and engaging listening experience. The song's theme and relatable storytelling resonate with audiences, making it an instant favorite.

Moreover, "Mogbe" finds its place in Asake's recently discovered music collection titled "Work Of Art (Album)." This exceptional piece is just one of the many gems that grace the album, reflecting the breadth of his talent and the depth of his musical expression. Each track in the compilation is a masterpiece in its own right, leaving no doubt about Asake's prowess as a songwriter and performer.

In conclusion, Asake's "Mogbe" is a ground-breaking performance that showcases the stunning talent of this Nigerian music phenomenon. Developed in partnership with Magicsticks, the song is a testament to their creative synergy, resulting in a fantastic listening experience. Asake's vocals, combined with superb orchestration, create a musical masterpiece that leaves a lasting impact on its audience. With "Mogbe" as part of his "Work Of Art (Album)," there is no doubt that Asake's musical journey will continue to flourish, leaving us eagerly anticipating more of his extraordinary compositions.

Asake – Mogbe mp3 DOWNLOAD

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Asake – Sunshine

Asake – Sunshine

 Asake – Sunshine

Asake: The Nigerian Music Phenomenon's Captivating Melody "Sunshine"

Asake, the highly skilled Nigerian music phenomenon, has once again graced us with his mesmerizing talent as he releases "Sunshine," a captivating melody that adds another feather to his illustrious cap. As a singer-songwriter and proud signee of YBNL Nation, Asake has consistently impressed music enthusiasts with his authentic and soul-stirring compositions. "Sunshine" is his latest release, a testament to his growth and creative prowess.

The track "Sunshine" finds its place in Asake's recently discovered music compilation titled "Work Of Art (Album)," a musical masterpiece that showcases the depth of his artistry. This album is a reflection of Asake's musical journey, filled with heartfelt songs that touch the core of human emotions. Each track in the compilation tells a unique story, leaving a lasting impact on listeners.

At the heart of "Sunshine" lies the brilliance of Blaisebeatz, a top-tier Nigerian music producer who masterfully crafted the magnificent album. Blaisebeatz's production elevates Asake's music to new heights, creating a seamless blend of melodious tunes and captivating beats. The collaboration between Asake and Blaisebeatz is a match made in musical heaven, resulting in a project that is both awe-inspiring and unforgettable.

Asake's rise to prominence in the Nigerian music scene has been nothing short of remarkable. With his distinct style that infuses elements of Afrobeat, Afropop, and Highlife genres, he has captured the hearts of music lovers far and wide. From his debut hit "Mr. Money" to his soulful track "Awodi," Asake has consistently proven his versatility and artistic depth.

"Sunshine" adds yet another dimension to Asake's musical repertoire. The song's enchanting melody and heartfelt lyrics evoke a sense of joy and hope, leaving listeners with a feeling of warmth and positivity. Asake's emotive vocals breathe life into the lyrics, delivering a powerful message of love and gratitude.

Inclusion in the "Work Of Art (Album)" further amplifies the significance of "Sunshine." This compilation is a testament to Asake's growth as an artist, a collection of musical expressions that showcase his evolution as a songwriter and performer. Each track in the album is a unique brushstroke on the canvas of his musical journey, painting a vivid picture of his experiences and emotions.

Blaisebeatz's contribution to the "Work Of Art (Album)" cannot be overlooked. As a top-tier Nigerian music producer, he brings his signature touch to the album, enhancing the overall musical experience. The seamless synergy between Asake's emotive vocals and Blaisebeatz's masterful production elevates the album to a whole new level, creating an unforgettable listening experience.

In conclusion, Asake's "Sunshine" is a testament to his prowess as a Nigerian music phenomenon. With the creative brilliance of Blaisebeatz behind the production of the "Work Of Art (Album)," this captivating melody stands as a shining example of Asake's musical excellence. As he continues to inspire and enchant audiences with his soulful compositions, there is no doubt that Asake's star will continue to rise in the Nigerian music landscape, leaving us all basking in the radiance of his musical brilliance.

Asake – Sunshine mp3 DOWNLOAD

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Asake – Awodi mp3 download


Asake – Awodi mp3 download

Asake – Awodi mp3 download

Asake: A Top-Tier Nigerian Singer-Songwriter's Mind-Blowing "Awodi" Album

Asake, the top-tier Nigerian singer-songwriter, continues to mesmerize music enthusiasts with his latest offering, the mind-blowing album titled "Awodi." This highly anticipated album showcases Asake's exceptional talent and his ability to create music that resonates deeply with his audience. One of the standout tracks, "Awodi," takes center stage in his recently released extended playlist, "Work Of Art (Album)," a musical journey that highlights the breadth of his artistry.

Behind the captivating melodies and soul-stirring lyrics of "Awodi" lies the brilliance of Magicsticks, a multi-talented Nigerian song producer and serial hit maker. His masterful touch brings the intriguing music to life, elevating Asake's artistry to new heights.
Asake's rise to prominence in the Nigerian music scene has been nothing short of extraordinary. 

With his unique blend of Afrobeat, Afropop, and Highlife genres, he has carved a niche for himself, captivating audiences with his infectious energy and authentic expression. His hit single "Mr. Money" catapulted him into the limelight, setting the stage for a promising career.

The release of "Awodi" further cements Asake's position as a rising star in the industry. The album is a testament to his growth as an artist, showcasing his evolution in both songwriting and vocal delivery. Each track in the album is a work of art, telling its own story and leaving a lasting impact on listeners.

"Awodi," the mesmerizing title track, serves as a reflection of Asake's musical journey and his deep connection with his roots. The song embodies the essence of Nigerian culture, blending traditional rhythms with modern sounds, resulting in a captivating musical experience. Asake's emotive vocals breathe life into the lyrics, conveying a message of resilience and triumph in the face of life's challenges.

Inclusion in the "Work Of Art (Album)" adds another layer of significance to "Awodi." This extended playlist is a collection of Asake's musical expression, a canvas where he paints emotions and experiences with melodies and rhythms. From heartfelt ballads to upbeat anthems, the album takes listeners on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, showcasing Asake's versatility as a songwriter and performer.

Magicsticks, the talented song producer behind "Awodi" and other hit tracks, plays a pivotal role in shaping the album's captivating sound. His creative genius and attention to detail enhance the musical experience, creating a seamless fusion of elements that resonate with listeners on a profound level. The collaboration between Asake and Magicsticks is a match made in musical heaven, resulting in a project that exceeds all expectations.

In conclusion, Asake's "Awodi" album is a testament to his status as a top-tier Nigerian singer-songwriter. With the creative brilliance of Magicsticks, the album stands as a captivating musical journey that touches the heart and soul of its audience. From the enthralling title track to the array of emotions conveyed in the "Work Of Art (Album)," 

Asake's music continues to leave an indelible impression. As he forges ahead on his musical path, there's no doubt that Asake's talent and artistry will continue to shine brightly in the Nigerian music scene, captivating audiences and leaving them yearning for more of his magical compositions.

Awodi mp3 DOWNLOAD

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Asake – Olorum mp3 download


Asake – Olorum

Asake – Olorum

Introducing Asake: The Nigerian Music Sensation With the Enthralling Song "Olorum"

Asake, a top-tier Nigerian music superstar, songwriter, and proud member of YBNL Nation, has taken the music industry by storm with his enthralling song "Olorum." Born Asake Owolabi, this talented artist gained widespread popularity in 2020 when he released his hit single "Mr Money." Since then, he has continued to impress music enthusiasts with his distinctive style that incorporates elements of Afrobeat, Afropop, and Highlife genres.

The rise of Asake in the Nigerian music scene has been nothing short of extraordinary. With a captivating voice and an innate gift for songwriting, he has carved a niche for himself as a force to be reckoned with. His music resonates with audiences across the nation, and beyond, making him a standout talent with a promising future.

Asake's musical journey began with the release of "Mr. Money," a chart-topping single that propelled him into the limelight. The track's infectious rhythm and catchy lyrics quickly became a favorite among music lovers, and soon, Asake's name became synonymous with captivating melodies and soul-stirring performances.
Apart from "Mr. Money," Asake has graced his fans with several other hit songs, each showcasing his versatility and musical prowess. 

Tracks like "Don't Hype Me," "Body," and "California" have further solidified his position as a rising star in the Nigerian music landscape. His ability to seamlessly blend different genres while staying true to his unique sound sets him apart as an artist with limitless potential.

Asake's latest musical offering, "Olorum," is a masterpiece that continues to captivate listeners with its mesmerizing melodies and heartfelt lyrics. The song celebrates divine grace and the faithfulness of God, striking a chord with audiences who resonate with its uplifting message. "Olorum" is a testament to Asake's growth as an artist, showcasing his maturity and depth in both composition and delivery.

This enthralling track finds its place in Asake's recently released music collection titled "Work Of Art (Album)." The album is a culmination of his musical journey, featuring not only "Olorum" but also other hit tunes that showcase the breadth of his talent. Each song in the album is a reflection of Asake's artistry, highlighting his ability to create music that touches the heart and soul of his listeners.

Asake's performances are nothing short of electric, leaving audiences spellbound with his energetic stage presence and raw passion for his craft. His live shows are an experience to behold, as he effortlessly connects with his fans, leaving them in awe of his magnetic charm.

As the Nigerian music industry continues to evolve, Asake stands at the forefront of a new wave of artists redefining the sound and narrative of contemporary music. His fusion of Afrobeat, Afropop, and Highlife genres sets the stage for a fresh and dynamic approach to music, resonating with a diverse audience both locally and globally.

In conclusion;

Asake, the Nigerian music sensation, has captured the hearts of music lovers with his enthralling song "Olorum" and an impressive array of hit singles. With his unique sound, captivating performances, and undeniable talent, he has solidified his position as a rising star in the industry. 

Asake's inclusion of "Olorum" in his "Work Of Art (Album)" is a testament to the masterpiece that this album truly is. As he continues to make music and entertain his fans, there's no doubt that Asake's star will continue to shine bright in the Nigerian music galaxy. 

So, get ready to be enchanted by the melodious tunes and captivating performances of this extraordinary artist as he takes the music world by storm, one song at a time.

Olorun mp3 [DOWNLOAD]

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Asake – Basquiat mp3 Download


Asake – Basquiat mp3 Download

Asake – Basquiat mp3 Download

Asake: Nigeria's Rising Star Taking the Music Scene by Storm

In the vibrant and ever-evolving Nigerian music industry, Asake has emerged as a well-known singer, songwriter, and performer, earning the title of the "rave of the moment." With his exceptional talent and unique artistry, he has swiftly made his presence known, captivating audiences with each new release. One of his standout tracks, "Basquiat," catapulted him into the spotlight, gaining massive recognition and setting the stage for his recently discovered extended playlist, "Work Of Art (Album)."

"Basquiat" - A Defining Moment:

The release of "Basquiat" marked a defining moment in Asake's career. The song showcased his remarkable vocal prowess, compelling storytelling ability, and infectious energy that resonated with music enthusiasts across Nigeria and beyond. The track's title pays homage to the renowned American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, known for his expressive and impactful art, a fitting inspiration for a song that is a work of art in itself.

Asake's passionate delivery in "Basquiat" captivated listeners, drawing them into a world of emotions and self-expression. The song's rich melody, combined with thought-provoking lyrics, struck a chord with fans and critics alike. The single quickly gained momentum, garnering widespread acclaim and setting the stage for a promising musical journey.

"Work Of Art (Album)" - A Melodic Masterpiece:

Asake's musical journey continued with the revelation of his extended playlist, "Work Of Art (Album)," which further solidified his position as a standout artist in the industry. This melodic masterpiece showcases his versatility and ability to experiment with diverse sounds while maintaining a distinct and signature style. The album is a musical canvas, painted with emotional ballads, groovy Afrobeat tracks, and soul-stirring melodies.

Among the gems on the "Work Of Art (Album)" is the aforementioned hit, "Basquiat." Alongside it are other captivating tunes that add depth and dimension to the playlist. Each track represents a piece of Asake's heart and soul, reflecting his personal experiences, aspirations, and observations of the world around him. From anthems of love and triumph to reflections on life's complexities, the album delivers a multi-faceted listening experience that leaves an indelible impression on the hearts of its audience.

A Smash Hit for Music Enthusiasts:

"Basquiat" and the "Work Of Art (Album)" have undeniably become smash hits, capturing the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide. If you appreciate good music that transcends boundaries and speaks to the soul, this one-of-a-kind composition by Asake is a must-add to your playlist.

The beauty of Asake's music lies in its universal appeal; it seamlessly bridges cultural gaps, uniting people from different backgrounds through the power of melody and emotion. His lyrical prowess and vocal finesse have touched the lives of countless listeners, sparking conversations about his potential to become a global sensation.

Asake's meteoric rise in the Nigerian music scene is a testament to his exceptional talent, dedication to his craft, and the support of his ever-growing fanbase. As his music continues to gain traction, Asake's name is becoming synonymous with top-tier artistry and genuine musical expression.

With the release of "Basquiat" and the "Work Of Art (Album)," Asake has firmly secured his spot as one of Nigeria's most exciting rising stars. Each track on the album presents a captivating story that resonates with listeners on a profound level, making it an ideal addition to any music enthusiast's playlist.

In conclusion, Asake's journey from a promising talent to a bona fide star is a testament to the power of authentic artistry and the ability to connect with audiences through music. "Basquiat" and the "Work Of Art (Album)" serve as compelling examples of his exceptional talent and artistic range. If you appreciate good music that leaves a lasting impact, Asake's compositions are not to be missed. 

As his star continues to rise, it's clear that he is destined for greatness in the Nigerian music scene and beyond. So, get ready to be captivated by the soulful melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and infectious beats of Asake's music – an experience that promises to leave you spellbound and coming back for more.

Basquiat mp3 [Download]

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Asake – Lonely At The Top mp3 DOWNLOAD


Asake – Lonely At The Top

Asake – Lonely At The Top

Asake: The Rising Star of Nigerian Music

Asake, a multi-talented Nigerian singer-songwriter and proud member of the prestigious YBNL Nation, has been making waves in the music industry with his unique blend of soulful melodies and captivating lyrics. His recent release, a thrilling version titled "Lonely At The Top," has further cemented his position as a rising star in the Nigerian music scene. 

This magnificent track is just one of the many gems pulled from his recently discovered extended playlist titled "Work Of Art (Album)," which is already creating a buzz among music enthusiasts and critics alike.

Born with an innate passion for music, Asake's journey in the world of music began at a young age. He honed his skills and nurtured his talent, inspired by the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria and the diverse music landscape. 

Drawing influences from a wide range of musical genres, including Afrobeat, R&B, and soul, Asake's sound is a fusion of modern sounds and classic elements, creating a refreshing and distinctive musical experience for his listeners.

"Lonely At The Top," the thrilling version that has caught the attention of music enthusiasts, reflects Asake's mastery of songwriting and storytelling. The track delves into the complexities of success and the challenges one faces when reaching the pinnacle of their career. 

Asake's emotive vocals and poetic lyrics convey a profound message, inviting listeners to ponder the highs and lows of achieving greatness. The accompanying music video showcases his artistry and visual storytelling skills, making "Lonely At The Top" a complete sensory experience.

The masterpiece "Work Of Art (Album)" is a revelation of Asake's artistic prowess and versatility. The extended playlist is a collection of soul-stirring tracks that take listeners on a musical journey of self-discovery, love, hope, and the intricacies of human emotions. 

Each song in the album carries a distinct vibe, showcasing Asake's ability to connect with his audience on a personal level. From soulful ballads to infectious up-tempo beats, the album is a testament to Asake's dedication to his craft and his commitment to delivering authentic and meaningful music.

One of the standout qualities of Asake's music is his ability to create songs that resonate with a wide audience. His lyrics are thought-provoking and relatable, touching on themes that mirror the experiences of everyday life. 

Whether he is singing about love, heartbreak, or the pursuit of dreams, Asake's sincerity and vulnerability shine through, making his music a source of comfort and inspiration for many.

As a member of YBNL Nation, one of Nigeria's most prominent and influential record labels, Asake has had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the industry's finest talents. The support and mentorship he receives from the label have undoubtedly contributed to his artistic growth and success. 

However, it is his raw talent and dedication to his craft that have propelled him to the forefront of the Nigerian music scene.

The success of "Lonely At The Top" and the "Work Of Art (Album)" is a testament to the growing recognition and appreciation of Asake's music beyond the borders of Nigeria. The track has garnered attention from music lovers worldwide, sparking conversations about the promising future of Nigerian music on the global stage. 

Asake's ability to infuse his music with elements of his Nigerian heritage while maintaining a universal appeal is what sets him apart as a true musical gem.

If you appreciate good music that touches the soul and stirs emotions, "Lonely At The Top" and the "Work Of Art (Album)" by Asake should undoubtedly be added to your playlist. Prepare to be captivated by his powerful voice, meaningful lyrics, and infectious melodies. Asake's music is more than just entertainment; it is an experience that leaves a lasting impression on the hearts of those who listen.

In conclusion, Asake is undeniably a rising star in the Nigerian music industry, and his recent release, "Lonely At The Top," is a testament to his incredible talent as a singer-songwriter. With the "Work Of Art (Album)," he has proven that he is a force to be reckoned with, and his music has the power to resonate with audiences worldwide. 

So, if you haven't already, don't miss the chance to listen to this one-of-a-kind composition by Asake and experience the magic of his music. Listen, reflect, and share your thoughts with others, as this rising star continues to shine bright in the musical firmament.

Lonely At The Top mp3 [DOWNLOAD]

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Heaven embraced Earth when Minister GUC sang to Our Lord at COZA 7DG 2023.

Heaven embraced Earth when Minister GUC sang to Our Lord at COZA 7DG 2023.

Relive the Unforgettable Experience of COZA 7 Days Of Glory 2023: A Life-Changing Encounter

Kindly scroll down to download the mp3 song of this wonderful Ministration by Minister GUC.


The COZA 7 Days Of Glory event held in 2023 was an awe-inspiring and electrifying ministration that left a lasting impact on the lives of all who attended. The powerful presence of God, the uplifting worship, and the life-transforming teachings created an atmosphere of spiritual elevation and renewal. In this article, we invite you to relive the amazing moments of COZA 7 Days Of Glory 2023 through an exclusive video experience. As you watch this video, you will be immersed in the same atmosphere and presence that we encountered live in the COZA Auditorium. Get ready to witness a divine encounter that guarantees an upward shift in your life.

1. The Significance of COZA 7 Days Of Glory:

1.1 A Spiritual Feast:

COZA 7 Days Of Glory is an annual event that brings together believers from various walks of life to experience a spiritual feast like no other. It serves as a time of intensive worship, fervent prayer, dynamic teachings, and impactful ministry that rejuvenates the spirit, strengthens faith, and propels individuals towards their destinies.

1.2 Empowering Teachings:

Throughout the event, renowned speakers and anointed ministers shared life-transforming teachings, unveiling profound truths from the Word of God. These teachings covered a wide range of topics, including faith, purpose, relationships, financial stewardship, and personal growth. The wisdom and revelation imparted during COZA 7 Days Of Glory have the power to ignite a positive shift in every area of life.

2. The Atmosphere of Worship and Praise:

2.1 Uplifting Music:

The worship experience at COZA 7 Days Of Glory was truly electrifying. Anointed musicians, singers, and choirs led the congregation into the presence of God through heartfelt and soul-stirring melodies. The atmosphere was charged with an overflow of praise and adoration, creating an environment conducive to encountering God's manifest presence.

2.2 Collective Worship:

As you watch the video, you will witness the unity and passion displayed by thousands of worshippers gathered in the COZA Auditorium. The heartfelt worship and the harmonious voices raised in adoration will transport you to the very moment, enabling you to experience the intensity of the collective worship firsthand.

3. Life-Altering Ministrations:

3.1 Anointed Preaching:

The preaching and ministrations at COZA 7 Days Of Glory carried a tangible anointing that transcended the physical boundaries of the auditorium. Renowned ministers delivered powerful sermons, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that pierced the hearts of attendees. The profound messages touched on spiritual growth, breakthrough, healing, restoration, and victorious living.

3.2 Miracles and Healing:

During the event, numerous testimonies of miraculous healings, deliverances, and breakthroughs were shared. As you watch the video, you will witness the awe-inspiring demonstrations of God's power, as lives were transformed and bodies were restored. Prepare to witness the same miracles unfold before your eyes, igniting faith and stirring anticipation for your personal breakthrough.

4. The Impact of COZA 7 Days Of Glory:

4.1 Spiritual Renewal:

COZA 7 Days Of Glory serves as a catalyst for spiritual renewal and revival. The atmosphere of faith, worship, and impartation leaves a lasting impact on the lives of attendees, rekindling their passion for God and propelling them to walk in their divine destinies.

4.2 Transformational Encounters:

Those who attended COZA 7 Days Of Glory in person experienced life-altering encounters with God. The video captures the essence of those encounters, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the divine presence and receive the same touch of transformation. Prepare to encounter the tangible presence of God that will ignite a renewed zeal within you.

5. Your Journey of Transformation:

5.1 Personal Application:

As you watch the video, we encourage you to engage with the content on a personal level. Reflect on the teachings, join in the worship, and open your heart to receive the impartation of God's presence. Allow the messages and atmosphere to permeate your being, inspiring you to embrace a life of faith, purpose, and supernatural empowerment.

5.2 Taking the Next Step:

COZA 7 Days Of Glory is not merely an event but a catalyst for change. After experiencing the video, consider how you can incorporate the principles and revelations into your daily life. Seek opportunities for further growth and development in your spiritual walk, connecting with a local church community, engaging in personal study of the Word, and pursuing a lifestyle of worship and prayer.


Reliving the amazing, electrifying ministration at COZA 7 Days Of Glory 2023 through the exclusive video experience is an opportunity to encounter the same atmosphere and presence that filled the COZA Auditorium. Prepare to embark on a journey of transformation as you immerse yourself in the worship, teachings, and miraculous encounters captured in the video. Your life is guaranteed to take an upward shift as you embrace the divine impartation and apply the life-changing principles. Get ready to relive this extraordinary event that will leave an indelible mark on your spiritual journey.

Click on the Button Below to Download;

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Daniel Lubams – Hosanna Bukole (New Song)

Daniel Lubams – Hosanna Bukole (New Song)
 Hosanna Bukole

 Daniel Lubams – Hosanna Bukole (New Song)

An additional soul-stirring song titled "Hosanna Bukole" is available for free mp3 download from renowned gospel performer Daniel Lubams. Download and listen to this lovely music today so you don't miss out on this awesome new tune. 

Daniel Lubams is a dynamic gospel performer who has had a profound influence on people's lives through his songs. Not unlike his previous works, "Hosanna Bukole" is his most recent contribution. The heart-cry of worshipers for God's presence, grace, goodness, and mercy is captured in this masterpiece of a hymn. The song "Hosanna Bukole" demonstrates the artist's love for praise and worship with its uplifting lyrics and captivating music.

Gospel music fans are already paying "Hosanna Bukole" some well-deserved attention. "Hosanna Bukole" is another example of Daniel Lubams' musical brilliance. His artistic development is clearly demonstrated by the enticing voice and passionate instrumentals. The song's high-quality production ensures that listeners are able to fully appreciate the strength of the message it is trying to get across.

By making "Hosanna Bukole" available, Daniel Lubams continues to promote the love of God via song. If you enjoy gospel music, you should download, stream, and share this brand-new song with your loved ones and other Christians. Consider Daniel Lubams' "Hosanna Bukole" as a call to worship and let joy and appreciation to flow from your heart.

Hosanna Bukole mp3 [DOWNLOAD]

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