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The Truth About Masturbation. The ideal number of times.

The Truth About Masturbation

Hi there,
I bet you have been  wondering whether you have been doing it right and whether it has some real dangerous side effects. Dear, I will try to be as plain to you as possible. Firstly, I want to let you know that masturbation is completely normal and even healthy if done right. Before you consider the ideal number of times you should masturbate, kindly ensure that anytime time you do it, your hands and whatever pleasing object you do it with is super clean. Again, if you PROCRASTINATE because of it, you need to get a demanding activity or a JOB/OCCUPATION. The Devil finds work for idle hands. Just kidding. You dont need a doctor to tell you this. Let's look at what masturbation is really.

Masturbation, a natural form of self-exploration and sexual expression, is a topic that often evokes curiosity and questions about the ideal frequency for adults. Let's delve deeper into the concept of understanding masturbation frequency, shedding light on this aspect of human sexuality.

Understanding Masturbation Frequency

The frequency of masturbation is a highly individualized aspect of sexual behavior, influenced by various factors such as personal preferences, libido levels, emotional well-being, and cultural beliefs. Thus long grammar simply means we have individual differences. You may have a very high sexual sensitivity(libido) and I may have a low one. This means that you may masturbate more frequently than I may do.  It's important to view masturbation frequency as a personal journey guided by one's comfort, pleasure, and sexual health needs.

According to the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA), there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how often adults should masturbate. Individuals vary widely in their desires and practices, and what may be suitable for one person may differ for another. The key is to approach masturbation with an open mind, focusing on self-exploration, pleasure, and well-being. Practically, if masturbating three times a week makes you skip duties and postpone responsibilities, then it is not ideal for you. You got to reduce it mate! If you experience pain while pleasing yourself, just know that, that is not pleasure. That is never ideal too.  Seek assistance or get yourself busy. Consider the suggestions below.

Dealing with addiction

Strategies for Recovery:

Seek Professional Help: Consider consulting a therapist, counselor, or mental health professional specializing in sexual addiction. They can provide guidance, support, and tools to help manage and overcome addiction to masturbation.

Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries and limits for yourself regarding the frequency and circumstances of masturbation. Practice self-control and discipline in adhering to these boundaries to avoid falling back into compulsive behavior.

Lifestyle Changes:

Engage in Healthy Activities: Replace excessive masturbation with healthy, fulfilling activities such as exercise, hobbies, socializing, meditation, or other positive outlets. Engaging in activities that promote well-being can help redirect focus and reduce the urge to masturbate excessively.

Create a Support System: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups for encouragement and accountability. Having a support system in place can provide emotional support, understanding, and motivation throughout the recovery process.

Therapy and Support Groups: Consider attending therapy sessions or joining support groups specifically tailored to addressing sexual addiction. Participating in group therapy or support meetings can offer valuable insights, shared experiences, and a sense of community during your recovery journey.

The Impact of Masturbation Frequency on Sexual Health

Research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine suggests that moderate masturbation can positively impact sexual health and overall well-being. Engaging in self-pleasure can help reduce stress, improve mood, boost sexual satisfaction, and enhance body awareness. It can be a valuable tool for exploring one's sexuality, preferences, and fantasies in a safe and private manner.

However, excessive masturbation that interferes with daily life, relationships, or physical health may indicate a need for reassessment. Understanding one's limits and boundaries is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship with masturbation and sexuality.

 Expert Recommendations

Navigating the complex terrain of masturbation frequency can be challenging, but sex therapists and health professionals offer valuable insights. Dr. Emily Morse, a renowned sexologist, emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach to self-pleasure. She advises individuals to listen to their bodies, prioritize self-care, and practice self-awareness without guilt or shame.

By approaching masturbation with mindfulness and respect for one's needs and boundaries, individuals can cultivate a positive and empowering relationship with their sexuality. Whether it's a daily ritual or an occasional exploration, the frequency of masturbation should align with personal desires, comfort levels, and overall well-being.

Final words

In conclusion, understanding masturbation frequency is a deeply personal journey of self-exploration and sexual expression. There is no standardized rule or ideal number of times adults should masturbate. The focus should be on pleasure, self-awareness, and sexual health, guided by individual needs and preferences.

By embracing a holistic and mindful approach to masturbation frequency, individuals can foster a healthy and fulfilling relationship with their sexuality, promoting overall well-being and sexual satisfaction.

- American Sexual Health Association (ASHA)
- Journal of Sexual Medicine
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Planned Parenthood




The National Service programme is a compulsory one-year service required of all citizens of Ghana who are 18 years and above, at the time of deployment. The Scheme which started in 1973 now operates under Act 426 (of 1980). The second batch of trainees of the maiden Bachelor's of Education Degree Program who just completed their academic discourse in their various institutions are next in line to embark on their mandatory service to their country.

While it is commonplace that National service for teacher trainees begins early every year, typically in the month of January, PINCODES which must be released by the National Service Secretariat to mark and streamline the registration process have not been released as at January 14, 2024. It is worth noting that the registration process can last a total of two weeks if PINCODES are released, while another waiting period for the main posting can as well last another two weeks, prolonging and extending the start of the National to somewhere early March.


Unlike the first batch of the 4-year Bachelor of Education Degree students who were majorly affiliated to the UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST, trainees who are earmarked to embark on their national service this year belong to colleges which have diverse affiliations. Due to the disparities in educational policies and varying processes of these affiliates, students' academic data which is supposed to be sent to the National Service Secretariat to be processed for the PINCODES to be released,  has delayed. According to a prudent source, the PINCODES will be released once all eligible trainees have their data sent to the SCHEME for further processing. The dates for the release of the PINCODES therefore remains UNKNOWN.

NOTE: If you need the service of a special posting without any allowance and documents issues with FREE REPOSTING, contact THE BASE on WhatsApp through 0544813632.



NTC Licensure Exams Results Checking Procedures 


Login to exams.ntc.gov.gh   and click on “Result Checking” 

2. Enter the Serial Number and PIN on the voucher payment receipt given to you at the bank  during the registration process, to login. 

3. If you do not remember the serial number or pin, no problem. Just click on the “Forgotten Details” Link beside the “Submit” button”. This would take you to the recovery page where you can login without the serial number and pin.

 4. On the recovery page, you can either login with the email address and phone number you used for the registration or your Exam ID and phone number. Whichever one you choose to use, just click the “Submit” after entering it.

 5. After login, you would see your dashboard with your details and exams results on it. Click on the print button to print.

 6. After clicking on the “Print Result” button the result page is displayed for printing. Print or save this page for reference. And you are done



Beyond the glistening expanses of the sea lie crucial arteries of commerce, powering the global economy with the trade and transportation of oil. In this delicate ballet of maritime commerce, the pivotal guardian ensuring its fluidity and security is oil insurance. Traverse with us into the depths of this crucial protection to comprehend its human impact and significance in safeguarding this vital industry.

Fueling the Economy: The Essence of Oil Insurance

Maritime Trade and Its Risks  

Oil insurance encapsulates a specialized facet of marine insurance, offering a protective shield against the plethora of perils associated with the maritime transportation of oil. It stands as a beacon of resilience and preparedness, addressing a myriad of risks including, but not limited to, physical damage to vessels, environmental liabilities, and the intricacies of international trade and maritime law.

Anchoring the Foundation: Unveiling the Essentials

Vessel and Cargo Protection  

At the core of oil insurance lie the essential protections for vessels and cargo. This robust coverage extends from crude tankers to refined oil carriers, and from offshore platforms to onshore facilities. It serves as the bastion defending against the physical risks of transport and storage, complemented by the safeguarding of cargo from perils of the sea.

Environmental and Public Liability  

Oil insurance’s umbrella is expansive, enveloping critical coverage for environmental and public liabilities. Oil spills, contamination, and the broader environmental impact are met with a purposeful resolve through this facet of protection, emphasizing not merely financial restitution, but the ethical responsibility bestowed upon the industry.

Navigational Perils and Operational Risks  

In the labyrinth of maritime trade, inherent dangers await. Navigational perils, human error, and operational risks thread an intricate web of challenges. Oil insurance, with its breadth of provisions, steps forward to mitigate these complexities and steer the industry toward resilience and preparedness.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement  

The human aspect of oil insurance is interlaced with community and stakeholder engagement. It raises the standards of responsibility, compelling the industry to engage with localities and constituents, demonstrating not only tangible accountability but empathy and stewardship for the lives and environments affected.

 A Pledge to Stewardship

Through its multifaceted protection and conscientious risk mitigation, oil insurance represents a pledge to stewardship. Protecting not only commercial interests, but the environment, coastal communities, and ultimately, the lives of those impacted by oil transportation and storage.

Environmental conservation, coastal protection, and human well-being are among the tenets be rocking the human fabric of oil insurance. It enshrines empathy, responsibility, and resilience, reaffirming the industry’s deep-rooted commitment to safeguarding not just commerce, but humanity and the environment through its protective measures.



The world of aviation is a wondrous feat that exudes a attracts a sense of adventure and precision. From small private planes to commercial airliners, every flight is an intricate ballet in the skies, earmarked by safety, precision, and the unexpected. One crucial aspect that enables this aerial ballet to soar gracefully is aviation insurance. Let's take a journey into the world of aviation insurance to understand its pivotal role in ensuring the safety and security of the aviation industry.

The Aerial Imperative  

Aviation insurance is a specialized form of coverage designed to mitigate the risks associated with air travel. It provides protection against a broad spectrum of perils, ranging from physical damage to the aircraft itself to liabilities arising from passenger injuries or damage to third-party property. This all-encompassing shield serves to fortify the aviation industry against the myriad risks inherent in aerial operations.

The Layers of Coverage: Unveiling the Essentials

Aircraft Hull and Liability Insurance  

At the kernel of a comprehensive aviation insurance policy lies aircraft hull and liability coverage, constituting the bedrock of protection. This vital safeguard encompasses physical damage to the aircraft as well as liabilities arising from property damage or bodily injury caused by an aircraft. Such coverage not only upholds the interests of aircraft owners and operators but also bolsters confidence for passengers and the public at large.

Passenger and Third-Party Liabilities  

Passenger and third-party liabilities stand as crucial facets of aviation insurance, shielding against the potential aftermath of unforeseen mishaps. This segment of coverage extends beyond the aircraft itself to encompass the well-being of passengers and the interests of those impacted by aviation-related incidents. By providing a safety net for these liabilities, aviation insurance serves to underscore the industry's commitment to ensuring the welfare of all stakeholders.

Soaring Through Challenges: Navigating Complexities

Challenges and Risk Mitigation  

The world of aviation is not without its challenges. From inclement weather to intricate regulatory landscapes, the aviation sector encounters an array of complexities and inherent risk factors. Aviation insurance steps in as a steadfast ally, offering the means to mitigate and manage these complexities, thus allowing the industry to soar despite inevitable challenges.

Safety and Industry Confidence  

Safeguarding the foundations of safety and industry confidence, aviation insurance works to cultivate an environment where operational risk is addressed in a responsible and proactive manner. Its presence offers assurance to investors, airlines, and passengers, bolstering trust in the integrity and resilience of the aviation industry.

Empowering the Aviation Industry

Through its multifaceted protection, aviation insurance embodies a dedication to protecting not only aircraft but the lives and interests of those involved in the aviation ecosystem. It serves as a testament to the industry's profound commitment to safety, resilience, and responsibility. Amidst the tapestry of blue skies and boundless horizons, aviation insurance stands as a sentinel, ensuring that the magic of flight is accompanied by security, trust, and unwavering protection.

Indeed, as the aviation industry continues to evolve and reach for new heights, aviation insurance remains a stalwart companion, upholding the essence of safety and security—a testament to the industry’s enduring pledge to protect and serve.

Understanding Personal Injury Law: Getting the right policy

 Understanding Personal Injury Law: Getting the right Lawyers.

Personal injury law encompasses a wide range of legal cases where an individual has suffered harm or injury as a result of someone else's actions, leading to a legal dispute. From car accidents to medical malpractice, these cases aim to seek compensation for the injured party and address negligence or intentional harm caused by another individual, company, or entity. In this article, we will delve into the key elements of personal injury law, helping you navigate through this legal domain while understanding your rights and the available courses of action.

The Basics of Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is a legal area that deals with cases where an individual has been physically, emotionally, or psychologically injured due to negligence or intentional actions by another party. The fundamental concept behind personal injury law is the pursuit of justice by holding the responsible party accountable for the harm caused, and seeking fair compensation for the injured party.

 Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

1. Car Accidents: Cases involving injuries sustained in automobile accidents due to another driver’s negligence or recklessness fall under personal injury law.

2. Slip and Fall Accidents: These cases involve injuries suffered due to hazardous conditions on someone else's property, such as slippery floors, uneven pavements, or inadequate maintenance.

3. Medical Malpractice: Personal injury law also addresses situations where a healthcare professional's negligence leads to harm or injury to a patient.

4. Product Liability: Injuries resulting from defective or dangerous products due to the manufacturer's negligence can form the basis of a personal injury claim.

Seeking Legal Counsel in Personal Injury Cases

When navigating a personal injury claim, seeking legal counsel is essential to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Experienced personal injury attorneys specialize in advocating for individuals who have suffered harm due to the actions of others. These legal professionals can offer valuable guidance and support throughout the entire legal process, from gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, to representing you in court if necessary.

The Importance of Evidence and Documentation

In personal injury cases, the gathering and preservation of evidence play a crucial role in establishing the strength of the claim. This includes medical records, witness statements, photographs of the accident scene, and any other relevant documentation that supports your case. A skilled personal injury lawyer can assist in compiling and presenting this evidence to build a compelling case for fair compensation.

Understanding Compensation in Personal Injury Cases

Compensation in a personal injury case, also known as damages, encompasses both economic and non-economic losses. Economic damages may include medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage, while non-economic damages often cover pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Understanding the full scope of compensation available is vital in seeking an appropriate settlement or judgment.

The Role of Negotiation and Settlement

Many personal injury cases are resolved through negotiation and settlement. An adept personal injury lawyer can engage in negotiations with the at-fault party's insurance company to reach a fair settlement that adequately covers the injured party's losses. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to trial where a judge or jury will determine the outcome.


Navigating personal injury law can be complex, especially when dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial impacts of an injury. By understanding the intricacies of personal injury

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